Being a mother is such an amazing gift. For a lot of moms, its something they have desired to be pretty much all their lives, for others it simply came with the territory as life progressed. Whichever way you got to motherhood, I'm sure you could write a book highklighting your amazing up and down journey, which is uniquely yours.
My journey to motherhood started 20 years ago. Prior to this time, I remember growing up with dolls and pretending to be a mom, and then progressed in to helping with my younger siblings. This is possibly where my sense of motherhood and desire to become a mom heightened. During my first opportunity to take my motherhood journey, like most women, I was excited, full of so much joy and glowing. Unfortunately, five months in, I lost the baby. I was devastated! After the mourning period, I kept going with life. It took five years for me to experience that feeling again. This time, once again, exhilarated and full of joy, the months kept going by. Then, at 30 weeks, I was put on bed rest in the hospital because of a weakening cervix...another blow! One week in to my stay, the doctors calmly announce that I needed to have an emergency C-section because the baby movements were slowing down. I had the C-section and my daughter was born at thirty-one weeks and weighed 3lbs 4oz. She was transferred to the NICU and when it was time for me to leave the hospital, I had to leave without her. I cried. I cried like I had never cried before. My husband did his best to console me, but I was uncontrollable. I was on the phone calling the nurses every moment I was not at the hospital. My daughter was due to be born in June, but she came in April. I was told she would be staying in the NICU till her calculated due date, but the fighter that my daughter was and is, she was out in a of the happiest days of my life. She left and never looked back.
Two years after my daughter's birth I got pregnant again. Full of hope, joy and anticipation, I was devastated when yet again I had a miscarriage at three months. This was a loss too hard to bear as it brought back memories of the first miscarriage. I began to question my womanhood. Why was my body unable to do what it was created to do? I questioned how I was eating, how I was taking care of my body and so many other thoughts came to mind. I was surrounded by some wonderful sisters from church who stood by me, encouraged and prayed with me. Within a year, I got pregnant again. This time I carried the baby full term and was able to have him by way of v-bac (I insisted I did not want to have another C-section if I didn't need to). Today, I have two healthy beautiful children, a girl and a boy and I'm loving every moment of being their mother.
We go through so much for our children and we sometimes feel unappreciated. I am here to tell you, you are an amazing woman, and an incredible mother. You may not hear it as often as you should, but you are loved in every way possible. You are a strong formidable Queen 👑 , and I urge you to celebrate yourself by doing something just for you. Get a pampering session at a spa, get your nails done, or better yet, treat yourself to one of our sexy, flirty and mom approved'll be glad you did. To show how loved and appreciated you are, enjoy a 25% savings, use code mom25 at checkout.
I could not be more excited that you are a Velvet Queen Mom!
Velvetly Yours,
Nikki XoXo
